I am a believer that if you want to learn to strike the ball really well, there is a wealth of information left behind from just viewing the great golf swings of the past, such as Hogan, Snead, Player, Norman, (both of them) and so forth..
Homer’s work, as excellent as it is, is still mostly observation based, unlike Hogan’s epic “Five Lessons” where he is describing a lot of feel and intention.
I believe that for Homer’s work to have credibility, it must support, and not deny the golf swing of Ben Hogan, or any of the greats, and I believe that Homer’s work does in fact support exactly what Hogan was saying. You have to read carefully though…
Homer’s work intended to describe all possible ways of moving a golf ball, no matter how absurd some of the variations are. Describing zero pivot motions and such.. I’m not sure why he took that approach, but it causes a lot of unnecessary material to have to sift through..
Homer never comes right out and says, “This is really the best way to do it”
Hogan on the other hand, tells us exactly what is the best way to do it. He backs it up, and no one has ever shown us a better way..I am so amazed at Hogan’s work, as both a ball striker and champion, but also as an author of golf instruction. We would not be wise to disregard what he said because it doesn’t seem to make sense.
If you really look at Homer’s work, he gives you the answer to Hogan’s swing, or any great ball striker that used Hogan’s protocol..
You have to understand 2-P and 2 M-3… this is the key, and it proves to me that Homer did in fact understand what happens in the golf swing of Hogan.
In a nutshell this is it..
“Centrifugal force ALONE uncocks the swingers wrists, but right arm thrust during release is the hitter procedure”
He then says, “these procedures are not compatible” meaning you can’t do both at the same time,
it’s one or the other.. UNLESS 2-M_3
and what does 2-M-3 say?
“Unless PIVOT THRUST!!!! actually DRIVES #4 accumulator THROUGH IMPACT!!!!”
I must say, that when I re read this I found it a bit shocking that Homer would use the word “unless” as if it is some type of oddity,
that a golfer would actually use his pivot to drive the primary lever assembly into impact… (the left arm and clubshaft)
and if you look at 4-D-1 Homer warns against the potential hazard of hitter’s throwaway with the right wrist flattening through impact which would disturb the FLW (flat left wrist) then what does he do?
He of course refers over to 2-P which sends you right back to 2-M-3.
“Unless PIVOT THRUST!!!! actually DRIVES #4 accumulator THROUGH IMPACT!!!!”
and there goes the warning.. no more warning…
And this takes you right to Hogan.. pivot thrust not only to impact….. but …THROUGH impact…!!
Homer talks about it again, when referring to his primary lever assembly…6-A-2 (The Primary Lever Assembly) which is simply the angle of the left arm to the clubshaft..he makes it quite clear that this Lever assembly CAN be propelled by BOTH the pivot at #4 and the right arm.. he clearly uses the word AND.
So anyone that thinks that hitting is just a straightening of the right arm, or right arm thrust down to the ball with no pivot is absolutely correct.. you can “technically” hit a golf ball like that… but you’re not going to hit the ball very good, and not very far.. without a pivot.
Homer is very clear in 6-B-4-0
The Pivot (body power) is the Accumulator of Accumulators, the Master Accumulator.
I can assure you that Hogan was quite well aware of this, and had no interest in “pulling the plug” on the master accumulator at impact, and just letting go and throwing the arms off the body…
Homer’s work can be very cryptic, and easily misunderstood..
but it’s for the most part… all there..
Lag Pressure throwaway is the root of all golf’s evils